Friday, March 18, 2011

Creature of Habit

Marley's new Razorback outfit for everyone's enjoyment!

For those of you who don't know, Marley is actually a pretty smart cookie! He knows a wide range of vocabulary. Cheese, bye bye, outside, cheeseburger, go potty, bath, puppy park, puppy daycare, vet, puppy food, booger, bed, Daddy, Moose, Grandma, Grandpa, and chewy are all part of his daily vocabulary.

We also have a very strict daily schedule. As soon as I wake up in the morning, he stretches over to me and we have cuddle time. As soon as cuddle time is over, we're up and ready to go outside. Everytime I sit down to eat, he is in my lap because he is a little pirahna with no manners, and I usually give into his sad puppy face. Also, when his food bowl is empty, he'll drag it out into the living room and bark and me until I fill is food bowl up.

Marley is also very possessive. Especially with tennis balls. He goes absolutely nuts when there's a tennis ball around. The other day at the dog park, a man next to me threw a ball for his dog, and Marley stole it and wouldn't give it back. He was holding on for dear life and making me chase him all around the dog park.

Another funny thing that Marley does is he likes to take baths with me. Ok, I'm not that gross. He'll sit on the edge of the bathtub while I'm taking a bath. It got a little more complicated when I couldn't take baths because of my surgery. He still wanted to sit on the edge while I took a shower. So, I let him sit on the side of the tub and put the shower liner over him. He could still see me, but I didn't get wet. Oh, the things I do for my dog. Either he has separation anxiety, or he's a complete perv. I don't care. I love the crap out of that dog.

Michael asked me what am I going to do when Marley dies. I jokingly said I was going to take him to a taxidermist and have him stuffed, so I could have Marley forever. Yes, I admit that was a totally creepy answer. No, Marley won't be around forever, but I treasure every moment that I have with him. He doesn't talk back, but he's the best listener. I can hug and squeeze and cuddle with him when I'm feeling all alone. He'll come with me to take out the trash or wash my car. (Any of the chores that I usually hate, but feel better when someone else is there doing it too.) He loves me no matter what mistakes I make. That is why "dog" is "god" spelled backwards. He's my little precious angel.